The Unity Asset Store and Unity Package Manager (UPM) packages are two powerful tools available to Unity developers. Both play a vital role in enhancing productivity, streamlining development workflows, and expanding the capabilities of the Unity engine. However, they serve different purposes and are tailored to different aspects of game development.
RMC Packages (UPM)
My Unity UPM packages include editor tools, coding libraries and asset collections. If you want to create your own UPM packages, checkout my starter repo.
Delivery through NPM offers an asset more integration options (e.g. GitHub, UPM, NPM, OPM).
- ☄️ – For Unity
- ☄️ – For Godot
RMC Packages (Asset Store)
My Unity Asset Store packages also include various editor tools, coding libraries and asset collections. If you want to create your own Unity Asset Store packages, checkout my starter repo and follow the steps to publish to asset store.
Delivery through the Asset Store offers an asset more visibility (e.g. users browse and discover it)
Recommended Packages
These packages are vital and essential for any teams creating Unity games.
I have over a decade of experience with Unity and C#.
And I recommend these packages to EVERY game team, including my own.
1/3: Hot Reload For Unity
Hot Reload allows you to instantly apply code changes, without compiling. Works in PlayMode, EditMode, and On-Device!
Create far better games, iterate faster.
Trusted by solo indie developers and massive studios alike – Hot Reload has already saved developers thousands of hours.
- ☄️ Hot Reload in the Asset Store: Download now
- ☄️ Learn more
Demo Repo
2/3: DoTween For Unity
Animate anything via simplified code. DOTween is a fast, efficient, fully type-safe object-oriented animation engine.
Create better feedback, polish, juice, pizzazz to your games.
Lightweight, highly optimized, performant, memory efficient. Modular (you can activate/deactivate references to major Unity systems like physics/UI/etc). Tween strings with rich text support and scrambling options
- ☄️ DoTween in the Asset Store: Download now
- ☄️ Learn more
Demo Repo
3/3: Odin Inspector For Unity
Odin puts your Unity workflow on steroids, making it easy to build powerful and advanced user-friendly editors for you and your entire team.
Create far better tooling, far faster.
With an effortless integration that deploys perfectly into pre-existing workflows, Odin allows you to serialize anything and enjoy Unity with 100+ new inspector attributes, no boilerplate code and so much more!
- ☄️ Odin in the Asset Store: Download now
- ☄️ Learn more
Demo Repo
What’s Next?
Recognizing the redefinition of this area of tech, research is ongoing.
Please contact me to discuss any remote, contract opportunities that may be a good fit.