> UI

“We shape our tools and then our tools shape us.”
– Marshall McLuhan

Here is more of my Unity game development portfolio.

User Interfaces

Unity has 2 modern UI systems.

Unity UI

Unity intends for UI Toolkit to become the recommended UI system for new UI development projects, but it is still missing some features found in Unity UI. This is a popular option, but is no longer the state of the art. Use UI Toolkit Instead

UI Toolkit

UI Toolkit is a collection of features, resources, and tools for developing user interfaces and Editor extensions. It supports creating and debugging runtime UI and editor UI for games and applications with an intuitive workflow that helps artists and designers get started faster.

Sam uses UI Toolkit and teaches the fundamentals through Unity courses and classes.

What’s Next?

This area of my expertise is particularly exciting, and I enjoy staying up-to-date with the latest advancements. I’m continually learning and applying new knowledge to make a greater impact on my projects.

Feel free to contact me regarding remote, contract opportunities that align with my skills and experience.